Sunday, October 21, 2012

C4T #2

                                                         Ben Jones Post
       This week, my teacher was Ben Jones. He had an interesting link on Wile E. Coyote, and Road Runner. In this post he explained the differences between the two. Road Runner had way more goals, and he was more related to students. He also stated how he wanted more students to be Road Runners this year. It was a great leadership blog. I throughly enjoyed it.

My comment to Ben Jones Post
         I really liked how Ben Jones put up an example to the students through this post. He really showed the difference in the two. Most students these days tend to be more like the Coyote. They want to just go through short cuts and get it done really fast instead of taking their time and looking towards the future. I think more students can learn from this. I will be sharing.
                                                        Annie Palmers's Post
         I really enjoyed the post that the teacher I was assigned to this week left. I also want to start off by encouraging any elementary education teachers to read as well. This week, Annie Palmer discussed her outlook on free voluntary reading in the classroom. She splits her classroom up into two 30 minute sessions. During the first 30 minutes, Annie teaches a whole group lesson. During the next 30 minutes, Annie splits her classroom into two separate groups to do small group teaching with her, and an independent reading lesson. I think this is very valuable to the children. She was a 5th grade teacher who moved to third grade after eight years. You must have to think; hard to make sure they are all doing it right? Well, the technique Annie uses to keep up with the students progress is great! She makes the students keep a readers notebook, book pins, reading responses, as well as a goal to read 40 books by the end of the year. Its very good ideas for anyone interested in teaching reading also. If you would like to read it you can check it out at her link.

My comment to Annie's post
         I really enjoyed Annie's post this week. It inspires me to inspire others through her work. I liked how she set a goal for her students. I think that students like a challenge. It makes the classroom fun, and makes students want to read to get compliments. I can only imagine how difficult it was for Annie to go from teaching eight years of 5th grade, then turn around and do the same for 3rd graders. I admire her. Overall, great post.
reading corner in classroom

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